
Avantika Gori

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

E-mail: avi.gori(at)

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Dr. Gori is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rice University. Her research focuses on understanding the regional climatology of tropical cyclones and their hazards (extreme wind, rainfall, and storm surge) under evolving climate conditions, and developing probabilistic and physics-based methods for delineating local-scale compound (rainfall + storm surge) flood hazard. Dr. Gori’s research draws from a range of different disciplines, combining novel and emerging methods and data from the fields of environmental engineering, ocean and atmospheric sciences, statistics and machine learning, and public policy. Dr. Gori holds B.S. (2016) and M.S. (2018) degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Rice University, and a PhD (2023) in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Princeton University.